28 Sep Hampden Way: September 2020
It has been so lovely to see how well our returning children have settled back into nursery life and also our new children and families. Thank you all for adapting to our new routines for drop off and collection. We are amazed at how independent the children have been coming into nursery, hanging their coats and remembering to wash their hands. Our outdoor seating area for parents while settling their children has worked extremely well and it has been heart-warming to see parents chatting and the growing sense of community.
The children have wasted no time in getting stuck in. We were so lucky with the weather at the beginning of this term and we have enjoyed lots of time outdoors exploring water, paint, sand and creating in the mud kitchen. The children have been working together and building their confidence as they roll down the hill together on the body boards.
We were caught out with the rain at the end of last week, so please ensure your child comes to nursery with a waterproof coat and has a pair of wellies. Here’s a little peek at what we’ve been up to so far…