30 Sep Hampden Way: September 2021
Hello and welcome to all our new families and welcome back to all of our returning children. All the children have settled in well and as you can see from the photos, been very busy! They have been exploring the nursery environment, inside and out and getting to know new friends. Over the last week, we have been inspired by the Japanese artist, Yayoi Kusama, otherwise known as the Polka Dot Princess and you can see from the photos just how much fun they’ve had. We’ve painted with sponges and plungers and you can see in the video, our take of Yayoi Kusama’s ‘Obliteration room’, where the children were let loose with sticky dots – the video (click link below) was filmed over two and half hours, condensed into 30 seconds. There were so many skills being developed from fine motor to turn taking and the final result was just beautiful. We hope you enjoy looking at the photos of what we’ve been up to this month, from all the team at Hampden Way x
Hampden Way Video – Inpired by Yayoi Kusama