23 Oct Hampden Way: October 2020
Considering we are all living with such difficult circumstances, we have enjoyed a busy and successful half term with happy children. Our new children have settled in well and we would like to thank you for following social distancing guidelines and our new drop off and collection routines.
The children have been spending lots of time outdoors. More children are coming to nursery equipped for wet weather, with rain suits and boots which has been great. We are continuing to encourage independence in putting coats and shoes on and with all the recent rain, they have had lots of opportunity to practice these important skills. The children have been exploring water, sand and the mud kitchen. They have enjoyed travelling at speed downhill on the body boards and had the opportunity to ride bikes and scooters in the front garden. We have had campfires, where the children have listened well and followed the rules to keep themselves safe around the fire. They have learnt new songs and enjoyed cooking popcorn. Thank you for all the pumpkin donations – they have been hammered, painted, scooped out and explored in many different ways.
Thank you for sending in your beautiful family photos. We have been having lots of discussions at story time, talking about ‘What is a family?’ The children have loved sharing their photos with their friends and looking at them displayed on the wall, alongside their drawings. If you haven’t sent in a photo yet, please send one in after half term.
Also, after half term, to further protect staff and families, we will be requiring all parents/carers to wear a face covering when entering the nursery site, this includes our outdoor spaces. Can we please also continue to ask that only one adult drop off and pick up.
If you are planning to travel over half term to another country, can you please check and follow the quarantine advice on your return. Please let us know if you will be isolating due to travel restrictions.
Over half term, if you or another member of your household are displaying COVID symptoms: a temperature of 37.8 or above; a new or continuous cough; a loss of taste and/or smell – please stay home, take a test and inform us of your results.
Thank you for your cooperation. Keep safe, stay well and have a lovely half term.